The Story of Our Logo

Sculpture created by Lauren Korpela

Sculpture created by Lauren Korpela

Matthew 13 - The Parable of the Sower is the inspiration. In this parable Jesus explains to us how it is our job to continuously plant the seed (AKA share his word) and to make sure our soil is good so that the roots of his word can grow strong and deep and the plants that sprout up can produce fruit.  We strive to do this with God’s word, and at Morris Success and Fitness we take this same principle with our knowledge around nutrition, spirit/purpose, sleep, relationships, and fitness.

In the first month my job is to share knowledge and plant the seed of success and fitness within my clients.  I help provide the sunlight and the water for the seed to grow, but I don’t control the soil. If the client tends to their soil, weeds their soil and applies the water by sticking to the plan, implementing what they learn and working hard - then at the end of the first month what the world will see is a little sprout.  People you are close with may start to notice a change in you, people that see you every day may notice a little weight lost or a glow about you, but what really has happened is the root system has begun to form into that soil and you are feeling the changes on the inside.  We are laying down the rock, the foundation, the most important pieces to success and fitness in that first month.

At the end of month two, with continued care, the sprout becomes a sapling. More people will be taking notice of your growth. You may start getting a few compliments on your appearance and even more so on the change in your energy from those you see on a regular basis.   Your root system is the really amazing part - it has strengthened and taken hold in the form of habits you have set in place that will continue to propel you forward in a life of success and fitness.

At the end of month Three, your sapling has become an adolescent tree.  Your growth is now apparent to your close family, friends and even to those people you see on a less frequent basis.  You are now displaying all of the confidence in your habits and what was hard the first two months becomes a bit easier to stick too.  Your root system is grown out, the foundation is firm and if you continuously nurture it your tree will continue to grow, month over month, year over year, until you get to the point where you have become a full-grown tree, producing fruit. 

People will admire your accomplishments, admire your energy, admire your health and they will begin to ask you  “how did you achieve success”, and that’s when the real magic happens it will then be your turn to plant the seeds and experience the joy that we experience when we watch those seeds grow.