Our Routinely Messy Life


Today starts the first of many scheduled blogs that I have planned for this quarter. Let me start by saying, life is messy.

The best thought out plan can be shattered to pieces with something as simple as picking the wrong fork in the morning and now we are spending twenty of what my husband and I like to call “Toddler Minutes” calming a toddler instead of eating our eggs and drinking our morning coffee and studying our devotional in peace.


But isn’t that just the beauty of it all? Not my plan but God’s. If you have met me you know that I am very scheduled, love my routines and there is nothing I like more in the morning than coffee and quiet, a little studying followed by a good workout. So when my toddler (aka the Wild One) went from my sweet baby boy that I could snuggle and nurse first thing then pass off to my snoozing husband so I could go get my gym session in turned into a bright, opinionated, loud little boy who gets up at 6:30 AM during mommy’s me time… lets just say my house got loud in the morning and my quiet little routine has been turned upside down. So that brings me to my first topic for the New Year which is our intention for the year.

With so much change in our lives over the last three years, my Husband and I have decided to start a new tradition. Each year we are going to pick a word for the year that best sums up what we are striving to accomplish during the year. This year we are picking “Efficiency”. Between our house purchase and remodel, God blessing us with two beautiful boys and my career change, what used to be efficient for us no longer works. Play areas need to be redesigned, cleaning and meal prep strategies rethought, time to focus on us and our marriage needs to be re-found and play time needs increasing! So sprinkled throughout the blogs this year will be tips and stories on how we have modified our routines, our workouts and our house to achieve more so we are spending less time in the boxes of our life that are important and urgent, or worse unimportant and urgent, and more time living in the stress free box of important and not urgent” (For more on this topic see the Eisenhower Matrix in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey).

In addition to discussing efficiency all year as bonus blogs, every Tuesday I will be releasing a blog that relates to the topic of the quarter. The topic for January through March is Grains and Sugar. My husband, the Wild One and I are all gluten sensitive, and it is one of the top topics individuals ask me about. My curiosity about gluten led me down a path of understanding more about the food we consume and the effects of grains and sugar on the body, not just those containing gluten. For this quarter I will be sharing my review on some of the top books on the topic:

  • Grain Brain by Dr David Perlmutter

  • Wheat Belly By William Davis

  • The Primal Blueprint By Mark Sisson

  • Brain Maker by Dr David Perlmutter

  • Genius Foods by Max Lugavere

  • The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan by Dr David Perlmutter

I would love it if you would come on this health and fitness Journey with me. Take a look at the topic of the quarter, read the blogs and if it resonates with you - pick up one of the books and tell me what you think!

Have a safe and happy last day of 2019!

By Anna Morris


About the Author
Anna Morris is a CTNC, Personal Trainer, has a BBA in Sales and Marketing and is the founder and owner of Morris Success and Fitness, LLC. Her life revolves around God, her Husband Kurtis and her two Boys, Waylon and Rowan. In addition to God, family and friends, her passions include: nutrition, cooking, developing routines, mobility training, soccer, running, and camping, Her mission is to spread the knowledge that God has given her to help 2,000 individuals define and achieve their personal vision for success and fitness in the next decade.